From Classroom to Boardroom: DMIT's Long-term Impact on Professional Success


October 14, 2024



Stress and the workplace have garnered a lot of attention, especially with a rise in related tragic incidents. We hear of employees overburdened at work, unable to manage schedules, and facing burnout due to long work hours, with suicide and death an increasing occurrence. While the debate continues with fingers pointed in both directions, one cannot deny that systemic changes are needed to address Companys’ work culture and policy, with stricter enforcement of labour laws. While these changes don’t happen overnight, what can we do as employees to “firewall” ourselves from being driven to the brink and facing meltdown?

Career path

It’s indisputable that today’s workplaces are increasingly target and deadline-oriented. Top officials under pressure to deliver often place unrealistic demands on their subordinates. As someone just entering the workforce, this can be overwhelming. Simultaneously, the pressure to meet expectations and prove your worth contributes to heightened stress levels. Often, asking for help is perceived as a weakness, as young professionals are expected to have certain skill sets before joining the workforce, unlike earlier when most learning was on the job.

With AI and automation increasingly adopted by companies, workloads have not necessarily decreased. On the contrary, with even established companies laying off employees, the remaining workforce is expected to double up and contribute more. In the bargain, Job stability is threatened if the increasingly stringent performance standards are unmet. In such an environment, complacency has no place – it’s survival of the fittest.

The question is: Are you truly “fit” to work in this environment?
  • Does the Company culture align with your values and aspirations?
  • Do you have the necessary skills to thrive in this space?

Career Sucess

Here are some ways to safeguard yourself from the pitfalls of stress, burnout, and toxic work environments while maintaining your productivity and well-being:

  1. Research the workplace thoroughly:

Taking on a job without due diligence on the company’s background can be a recipe for disaster. Sometimes, the lure of a good remuneration package or just the desire to get a job can cause you to ignore the red flags and could lead to stress and disappointment later.

A few ways to research a workplace include:

  • Follow the company’s social media handles to understand what it’s engaged in, where it’s headed, and what employees say about working there.

  • Reach out to those working in the company to get first-hand information about the company and its work culture. LinkedIn would be an ideal platform.

  • If you are a recent college graduate, you could check with your college or university on alumni members working in your target companies. This could be a great way to get inside information on the work culture and to know if the company shares your values.

  • Large number of job openings in a company could signal growth. However, frequent role changes/reporting structures and large turnover rates could imply an unstable or toxic work environment.

  • If you are replacing someone on the job, try connecting with the person to know about the company’s work ethic. Check on the command-and-control structures. Is there autonomy and respect for personal and professional boundaries?

  1. At the interview stage:

An interview is an opportunity to showcase your skills while gaining valuable clues to decipher if the company is right for you.

Here are things to look out for:

  • Pay attention to the interviewer’s behaviour and the overall interview atmosphere.
  • Unprofessional conduct, disrespectful comments, lack of courtesy, and disorganization are all red flags to be aware of.
  • Poor communication, vague or unrealistic responses to questions on company values, expectations and work culture should be noted.
  • Ask questions about what is important to you – culture, values, work-life balance, career progression opportunities, career support.
  • Ask thoughtful questions, and pay attention to subtle cues. If you feel uneasy during the interview, don’t brush it off -trust your instincts.
  1. Effective Time Management and prioritization of tasks:

Much is expected from us at work. However, to avoid the risk of burnout, developing the skill of effective time management is crucial. Prioritization is key and the designated 8 hours at work should be put to best use by proper organisation. Working late often tends to be glorified, and the person is generally perceived to be a hard worker and dedicated employee. However, working late could also indicate that you are inept at making the best use of time. The mantra should be Work Smarter, not harder. Two important components of Time management are:

  • Know the difference between what’s important and what’s urgent. For example, as an entry-level programmer, you are assigned two main tasks for the day:
  1. Fix a layout issue that’s making the app look bad on mobile devices.
  2. Implement a new feature for user registration.

Which will you tackle first?

  • The layout issue is urgent as the app is live and impacting user experience.
  • The User registration feature is important, but it does not currently affect users and could wait.
  • Apart from breaking up bigger chunks of work into smaller tasks, be wise in scheduling each task and not just working till they are done. To-do lists become meaningless if you do not allocate a certain time toward each task and you might never check anything off.
  1. Explore tools that could make work easier:

Digitization and automation in the workplace are rampant and you need to be prepared for increased AI integration at work. Apart from being proficient with systems and digital tools adopted by the company, step outside and explore other possibilities.

  • What other programs, tools, and applications can be used to simplify and complete your work faster?

  • Identify tasks that slow you down and research tools to help. Often, simply learning the latest Excel hacks can streamline manual, time-consuming work. Again, learning to use AI tools to generate your PowerPoint presentation in a few minutes can contribute to efficiency. If you are a developer, getting on GitHub will help you find inspiration for improving functionality and solving common coding challenges.

  • You can access umpteen tutorials and instructional videos catering to different learning styles on YouTube and online educational platforms. Interactive learning tools like apps, games, and software provide a more immersive learning experience. Learning options are abundant if you develop the mindset to better yourself at what you do.

  1. If all fails, look out for better prospects:

It’s not the end of your career. If you’ve missed some red flags when joining a company or attempts to communicate your concerns with your superiors have been unfruitful, maybe it’s time for a career transition or other job opportunities. Your experience has likely made you better equipped to make informed decisions.

  • Yes, it’s understandable that fear and anxiety will creep in when making choices, but that’s where you will have to rely on your Emotional Intelligence.  Harnessing your emotions the right way will better prepare you to handle the challenges of today’s work environment.

  • If work-life balance is your priority, explore opportunities that support it. If salary is more important, be ready to upskill to meet the demands of a high-pressure role. With high-paying jobs come increased expectations and equipping yourself with the right skills will make you more resilient.

  • It’s important to recognize that working late or taking on extra responsibilities should be a personal choice driven by passion and aligned with your aspirations and should not be driven by unrealistic expectations or a toxic work environment. You will benefit from workplaces that support your professional growth and personal well-being.

Consider this: A high-pressure environment should challenge and inspire you, but never at the cost of your mental health. Toxic workplaces with unreasonable demands and no respect for boundaries will only lead to burnout and long-term damage. Yes, it’s important to stay competitive, but at the same time recognizing the signs of toxicity and taking steps to protect yourself is crucial. Knowing when to walk away is part of being “fit” for today’s job market.

Feeling overwhelmed by pressure at work? Stress, worry, and anxiety weighing you down?

If you’re unsure of the next steps, Elysian Career Counselling offers more than just traditional career guidance. Our Personalized career counselling and psychological support will help ease your burden and bring you clarity. Give us a call today!

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