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What is Career Counselling?

Career counselling, also known as career guidance, is the process of identifying and choosing, changing, or leaving a career and is available to all at any stage in life. It is based on a number of factors that influence your career development like your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. One's career is the most important aspect of adulthood, and is the culmination of years of Schooling and Academics. Embarking on a new career, whether for the first time, the second time, or any time thereafter, can be a stressful event especially when economic difficulties such as recession are a factor. A career counsellor can help you by recognising and discussing potential career options available to you in the job market.

Along with counselling, choosing the right counsellor is the single most important step. A good counsellor is one who understands human complexities, personality types and knows, how to give logical direction to thoughts.

At ElysianTM, we provide expert Academic guidance and Career Counselling services for all people (working & non-working groups), educational institutes. and business organizations.

Who Need Career Counselling?

The optimum time for students to seek Career Counselling is during the ages 13-17 years (8th to 12th standard). This is a time when many changes take place in their life, both physical and emotional, such as transitioning from school to college, and trying to “fit in” with peers. It is also a time when career decisions are made. This is why they need someone with expert knowledge, to guide them in the right direction, at this time.

Most of the parents are pro-actively involved in shaping their ward’s career. In fact it is observed that at least 51% of Indian parents’ priority is their child’s financial success (Survey by HSBC Retail Banking and Wealth Management in a report titled - “The Value of Education: Learning for Life”). This reveals that Indian parents follow a hands-on approach when it comes to making career decisions for their child. Sometimes, their decision works and many a times, it does not.

The fact that - Every child is Unique, and it is extremely wrong on the part of parents or teachers not to recognize the child’s strengths or weaknesses, and his passion or dislikes while deciding their career. Students / children need professional career counselling when doubts and confusions are there.

Also, all of us require career guidance at some point in our life. When we want to know more about ourselves, our passions and life purpose, career and what we can do to improve it, counselling plays a major role. The earlier you get started making intentional decisions about your future, the better prepared you will be.

We provide Counselling Service to:

  • Students of All Age groups
  • Working Professionals
  • Non-working Professionals
  • Schools & Colleges
  • Corporate Companies

Student Counselling

Academic counselling for 8th to 12th Class Students.

We guide you on-

  • Best Subject & Stream Selection
  • Understanding Learning Styles
  • Emotional & Behavioural Counselling
  • Best Career Path to Pursue
  • Help you to deal with exam & academic stress
  • How to deal with Parents & Peer Pressure
  • DMIT Analysis to discover more about You.

Career Counselling

Career Counselling for Fresh Graduates & Post Graduates.

We guide you on-

  • In-Depth Career Exploration
  • Right Career Choices
  • Personal Career Development Skills
  • Best Course of Action for Successful Career
  • Personality Development/Soft Skills Techniques
  • DMIT to discover hidden talents
  • Social Media Addiction, Anxiety and any form of Fear

Working Professional - Counselling

This is for Professionals looking for a change in their Career, Domain, Industry or Venturing into Entrepreneurship.

We guide you on-

  • Discovering your inborn Strengths, skills, Interests & Passion
  • In-Depth Career Exploration
  • Higher Education & Technical Enhancement Options
  • Personality Development & Life-skill Training
  • Professional, Financial & Personal Concerns
  • Work Anxiety, Stress Management, Fear of Failure etc
  • Corporate culture, functions & organizational activities of corporate institutions.

Parents/Family Counselling

This is helpful for dealing with the overall family dynamics & work towards resolving disputes between family members.

We guide you on-

  • Do's & Don'ts of handling New-Age Children
  • To build an empowering parent-child relationship
  • How to deal with every child's different requirements, equally.
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Parenting Techniques, Learning Style of Child
  • Awareness about Growing Trends & Opportunities in Careers
  • How to support your child positively

So, how does Counselling help, exactly?

We will help you with:

Figure out who you are

The primary goal is to assist you in identifying what you want out of your life and your education. You can freely talk about your thoughts and ideas, feelings and concerns regarding your choices and the counsellor will help you rationalise and organise it.

Choose the Right Career

By assessing your aptitude, personality, interests, abilities and other aspects that help define your interest or passion, we then use this evaluation to suggest the best career options from all the available and relevant options. We also help you identify the factors that influence your decisions.

Provide knowledge

The information on career choices, their scope and the paths to pursue them are most important and many a times, you do not have that kind of knowledge or awareness you need. We as counsellor provide relevant resources and sources of information that you are privy to.

Help you gain confidence and insight

Recognising and understanding the hurdles in the path helps you to gain confidence to handle it. We assist in developing a plan of action that would help in overcoming these hurdles and develop confidence.

Reduce or remove career related frustration

Choosing a career is a demanding task. Counselling helps you to take rational logical decisions based on proven methods of assessment. It helps to bring about focus, and maintain that focus through proper scheduling and planning. It also provides a platform where such frustrations can be reduced, and focus is redirected to selecting the best career options to make your life more organized with the guidance of an experienced mentor.

However, there are certain misconceptions when it comes to career counselling.

  • A career counsellor will not tell you what to do, or tell you what you should major in or what career you should pursue
  • They do not give you general advice about careers and the courses available but help you pick the best career options based on your abilities.
  • It is not trial and error: it is a scientific process and involves making calculated moves, based on hard facts and methodical research.

DMIT is a scientific & standardized process carried out to evaluate an individual’s aptitude and personality type. We use DMIT software as one of the assessment tool, which is used to obtain the most important information about an individual’s behaviour, interests, emotional strengths, Inborn Intelligences and skills. This information helps to facilitate on what kind of careers would be suitable for him/her. To know more visit (page on DMIT LINK)

What We Do?

  • Conduct Assessment Test using DMIT as a tool.
  • Generate Comprehensive Report on Personality traits, Study Methods, Inborn Intelligence, Career Options. etc
  • Right Career Guidance & Counselling
  • Provide knowledge of Career options – subjects & scope in future
  • Clarify doubts related to Academics, Career or Courses

Who can take Career Counselling Sessions?

  • Students in 8th- 10th classes
  • Students in Intermediate / Plus 2 /11th & 12th
  • College going students
  • Graduate and Post-Graduate students
  • Working professionals requiring - change in profession, understanding the scope of present career, workplace issues, etc.

Unique Benefits you get from our Career Counselling Sessions:

  • Figure out what you want from your life - Goal Setting
  • Assess your personality type
  • Help you to choose the right Career
  • Provide Right Knowledge about your Career
  • Remove Career related fear & frustration
  • Build Confidence & Leadership qualities.

Career counsellor provides you a platform where you can share your doubts, fear and difficulties faced in the workplaces and get the right professional advice from them.

ElysianTM provides you with best Career counselling in Chennai sessions from experienced Career Counsellor of the Employment Industry. Her expert advice will guide you to take appropriate steps at right time to be successful in your professional life.

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